Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tiny star

Materials:Size 7 hook 1.65 mm
Cotton thread, size 30
-- Ch 4, join with first ch to make a ring.
-- Ch 3, 14 dc in ring, join with sl st in ch 3 (15 dc)
-- Ch 1, sc in same sp, ch 3, *skip 2 dc, sc in next dc, ch 3*, repeat around joining with sl st to first sc (5 ch 3 spaces)
-- Ch 1, *sc in sc, in ch 3 (hdc, dc, hdc)*, repeat around
-- St st in sc, *ch 2, skip hdc, dc in dc, ch 3, sl st in top dc just made, ch 2, sl st in sc* repeat around.

Fluffy Shells Edging

I needed a quick edging when I was at work and had no access to any patterns and made this up. It's probably not original, I'm sure it's been done and written up a thousand times, but I swear I didn't rip it off from anyone.

Materials: Size 7 hook 1.65 mm
Cotton thread, size 10

Picot: ch3, sc in 1st ch

Round 1: Sc around.

Round 2: Ch 1, sc in same sc, *skip 2 sc, (dc, picot, 2 dc, picot, 2 dc, picot, dc) in next sc, skip 2 sc, sc in next sc*, repeat between * till end, join with sl st.

Hearts Edging

Original video (where I actually didn’t put the second triple in the right place, oops!)

New video which hopefully is more clear and less shaky-cam!

I wanted to edge a flannel that had a heart pattern and this is what I came up with. It involves crossed triples into the first round of the edging and is probably an intermediate pattern. Please let me know if the instructions are unclear.

Materials: Size 7 hook 1.65 mm
Cotton thread, size 10

Round 1: Sc around, sl st to first sc.

Round 2: Ch 6, skip 2 sc, dc in next, (skip 2 sc, ch 3, dc in 3rd sc) repeat between () around, sl st in 3rd ch of ch6.

Round 3: *[Sl st in ch 3 space, tr in 2nd open sc below in row 1, (hdc, tr, sc, tr, hdc) all in the same ch3 space, tr in 1st open sc below, sl st in same ch3 space], 4 sc in next ch3 space* Repeat between * to beginning, join with sl st.

I have attached a video of me doing the crossed heart stitch. I did it quickly and probably should have reshot it because I actually made a bit of an error in it (can you spot it!?) but this is just how life is these days. As good as it gets. It's a free pattern. If I was charging for it, I'd make more effort to make it perfect. Probably. Possibly.